On the bus’s speakers boomed Highway to Hell. So we knew we were at the top of 65 kilometer long Death Road – carved into the sides of the steeply sloped Yungas mountains and dropping 3500 meters, or over 11000 feet, in altitude.

For three hours, we biked down it, through fog, sleet, mud, rock slides and waterfalls – as this 2 minute video illustrates – passing memorial crosses and sheer, unprotected 1000 meter drop-offs, while focusing hard on the road instead of the tales of lost bikers.

We were about twice the average age of those with us. Three people from our bus tumbled off the road, fortunately not down the cliffs, with one cut badly on her face. Yet, after a final section in welcome sunlight, we were down safely. It had been quite a ride.
(Also, for more pictures from Bolivia, CLICK HERE to view the slideshow at the itinerary page.)