Here is the main page covering our visit to Bolivia during our four-month stay in South America from December 2016 to April 2017 (including Colombia, Ecuador and Peru), plus a slide show of pictures at the end.
Our month-long Itinerary took us around the highlands, lowlands and jungle of the country:
La Paz
Copacabana & Isla del Sol (Lake Titicaca)
Death Road by bike
Palca Canyon, and Valley of the Spirits
Concepcion & San Xavier Mission
Other Jesuit missions, incl. San Ignacio and Santa Ana
Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Samaipata & El Fuerte Archeological Site
Amboro National Park
Sucre, including Parque Cretacico/Dinosaur footprints
Potosi, including Cerro Rico and Minting museum
Uyuni (& Colchani) Salt Flats, Desert and Eduardo Avaroa Reserve
Trinidad-Beni, with Amazonias river cruise on the Mamore and Ibare Rivers
You can browse the map below for where we’ve been in Bolivia (and posted an article). Click a pushpin to find the posted articles from the marked locations.
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SLIDE SHOW HINT: If you’ve already seen the earlier pictures in the slide show, use the dot placemarks below the slides to jump around.
One of many parades and demonstrations, La Paz
View of La Paz from its hills
Yellow-line teleferico climbs the hillsides
Daily market, La Paz
Local women dancing along the streets, La Paz
Parliament, La Paz, and its anti-clockwise clock
Downtown La Paz
Holy water springs from Yumani village
Tourists now scale the steps to Yumani village, Isla del Sol
Rock formations, Aramu muru, Titicaca
Portal, Aramu muru
Portal, Aramu muru
Copacabana, Lake Titicaca
Pilgrim’s trail, Isla del Sol
Isla del Sol
Hearing the echo within, Aramu muru
Puma head in clay, Isla del Sol
The sacred rock, Isla del Sol
Priestly center of Inca, Isla del Sol
From Yumani, high above Titicaca
Inca pilgrim trail heading to sacred site
Eastern bay and ancient terraced farms
Entering Valle de las animas, at Palca
Valle de las animas
Valle de las animas
Rising out of Valle de las animas
Mountain caracara, or Ave Maria
Inverted temple looking toward central temple, Tiwanaku
Elaborately carved, teary Pachamama, Tiwanaku
The Sun Gate, Tiwanaku
Multi-cultural stony faces in inverted temple, Tiwanaku
100 meter long walled forum and temple, Tiwanaku
Model of pyramid topped by Andean cross
7-tier main pyramid under restoration, Tiwanaku
Kneeling creator Viracocha with figures and calendar, Sun Gate
A Colonnia silver coin, with PTSI stamp lower left
Re-creation of smelting conditions in early mints
Central plaza, Potosi, with a statue of Liberty from France
Cerro Rico, the famous silver mine of Potosi
Streets of Potosi
Weighing the dynamite at Potosi miner’s market
Tio, the devil’s image, deserving homage at mine entrance
Exploring one of the safer passages of Cerro Rico mine
Miners preparing to head into Cerro Rico
One of many entrances to Potosi mine
18th century gear machinery for minting coins
Drop-off, Death Road
Death Road
No wrong turns allowed, Death Road
A support bus on the edge
The valley along Death Road, lower down
Ornate chapel and madonna, San Ignacio
The mission church, San Miguel
Carved and gilded wood of the altar, San Miguel
Bell tower, San Rafael mission
17th century home, Santa Ana reduccione
Long houses by the plaza and church, San Javier
Façade, San Ignacio church
The fanciful interior, San Javier church
Chiquitano craft and expressiveness, San Miguel
Façade, San Javier church
Monastery courtyard, Concepcion
Church Interior at night, Concepcion
Carved and gilded wood, San Miguel altar
Church Interior, Concepcion
Tender statue of madonna and child, Concepcion
Plaza mayor, Concepcion
Contemporary, politicized stations of cross, Conception
Baroque apse, San Ignacio
Elaborately carved confessional, with Schmid tribute, San Miguel
Altar, San Miguel
Altar and “proscenium,” San Rafael
Original wall paintings, San Rafael
Carved Jesuit emblem
Flamboyant madonna, San Rafael
17th c Chiquitano organ, still working, in Santa Ana
17th c Chiquitano music instruments
San Javier mission church
Concepcion mission church
Ornate chapel, San Miguel
On the Uyuni Salt Flats (Salar de Uyuni)
Across the watery surface
Cactus of Incahuasi Island amid the salt plains
Tracks in the popcorn balls of salt
Salt brick construction, Colchany
Packing the salt, Colchany
Salt like ice, with hexagon patterns
From the volcanic slopes along the shoreline
Volcano at sunset
Watery fringe of the salt flats
Mirroring sheen of water on the salt
Reinforced road through the briny fringe
Incahuasi Island
Strange plants in danger, Avaroa Reserve desert
Railroad graveyard, Pulacayo, near Uyuni
Villager salt pile, Colchani
Village church, Coqueza
Mummies at Coqueza
Llamas graze on the volcanoes
Llamas of petrified coral long for the hills
Tumuli, los chullpas
Rail lines out of Uyuni along the edge of the salt flats
Leaving the salt flats
At the red sand desert, morning
Grassy fringe of desert lagoon
Dancing flamingoes
Lagoon beauty
The “stone tree” at a natural gathering of rocky pedestals